1. Person lifetime how how irritated? ��һ����ô��ô����?
2. Why is recently always very irritated, how to adjust the mood! ���Ϊʲô���Ǻܷ����������������أ�
3. Sliding door is among, want to see TV push the door right, irritated push see oneself beloved decoration. �м��������ţ��뿴���ӾͰ��������ң����˾��ƻ��������Լ��İ��İ��衣
1. feeling inflammation or other discomfort (especially in a part of the body)
2. aroused to impatience or anger
irritated ����ŭ��;
acute irritated gastritis ���Դ̼���θ��;
irritated verruca senilis ���壺�̼���������;
become puffy and irritated ������ͺͷ���;
Irritated lost nowhere to go �̿�֮����Ͷ��·;