1. How can our brains make us all behave so similarly at times and yet endow each of us with such a unique and irreproducible existence? ���ǵ����������ÿ���˵���Ϊ������ijЩʱ��ʮ�����ƣ�ȴ����ÿ���˶��ܶ�һ���Ĵ��ڣ�
2. Though Csisz��r's paintings are based on photos, the new-born painting always bares the characteristics of the hand-made, irreproducible picture. �������յĻ�����ƬΪ��������Щ�����Ļ����Ǵ����ֻ�������Ƶ���ɫ��
3. Because of the simplicity of the filtration process, the choice of filtration devices is often ignored, leading to inaccurate and irreproducible results. ���ڹ��˹���ʮ�ּ����dz������Թ���װ�õ�ѡ���´�����������Ľ����