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�ʵ� | ���� | ���ʱ� | ������ | �ɿ���ҳ

irregular [i'reɡjulə]



    n. ����������Ϲ��IJ�Ʒ
    adj. ������ģ��޹��ɵģ�������ģ����Ϸ���




irregular   ָ�������桢�̶�ģʽ��ƻ����£���ָ���������κλ�������֯��
casual   ָ��̫ע�ⳡ�ϣ��DZ��ȣ�������ǿ��
informal   ָ���ԡ����ŵ���㣬Ҳָ�������κ���ʽ����ʽ�Ļ��


    1. About the vagina irregular bleed!
    2. Irregular window, from a bitmap read. And to provide a base class.
    3. To be is an irregular verb in all languages, but always regular is the verb to love.


      1. a member of an irregular armed force that fights a stronger force by sabotage and harassment
      2. merchandise that has imperfections; usually sold at a reduced price without the brand name
      1. contrary to rule or accepted order or general practice
      2. (of solids) not having clear dimensions that can be measured; volume must be determined with the pri
      3. not occurring at expected times
      4. (used of the military) not belonging to or engaged in by regular army forces
      5. deviating from normal expectations; somewhat odd, strange, or abnormal
      6. lacking continuity or regularity
      7. of a surface; not level or flat
      8. independent in behavior or thought


    ������ģ��޹���; �������; ������; �������,�������;
    irregular verb
    �����򶯴�; �� �� �� �� ��; �����򶯴�: ��Ҫ�������ں͹�ȥ���ʱ̬��������̬;
    irregular joint
    �������ģ��; �������ͷ;
    Irregular traverse
    irregular soldier


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