1. It is the process of involution and evolution. ���ǻ����ͽ����Ĺ��̡�
2. Involution is the descent of spirit into matter. �˻��Ǵ���������ʵĽ��䡣
3. Objective To explore the effect of Shenghua Decoction plus feet bath on uterine involution and sleep quality of patients with cesarean section. Ŀ��̽���������Ӽ���ԡ���ʹ�����������ӹ����ɺ�˯��������Ӱ�졣
1. reduction in size of an organ or part (as in the return of the uterus to normal size after childbirt
2. a long and intricate and complicated grammatical construction
3. marked by elaborately complex detail
4. the act of sharing in the activities of a group
5. the process of raising a quantity to some assigned power
6. the action of enfolding something