1. This is because that our subconscious mechanisms have control of this involuntary system. ������Ϊ���ǵ�DZ��ʶ���ܿ�����������Ծ���ϵͳ��
2. Doctors say that breathing is a unique human function in that it can be fully voluntary or involuntary. ҽ����˵��������һ�ֶ��ص����幦�ܣ��ȿ��Գ�ֵ�������У��ֿ��Է�����ؽ��С�
3. Miracles are habits, and should be involuntary. They should not be under conscious control. Consciously selected miracles can be misguided. �漣����ϰ�ԣ�Ӧ�����Ķ����ģ���Ӧ��Խ��ʶ�Ŀ��ơ�������ѡ���漣�ܿ��ܵ�����;��
1. not subject to the control of the will
2. controlled by the autonomic nervous system; without conscious control
involuntary ������ģ�żȻ��;
involuntary movement �������˶�;