1. Within the staffing area itself, appraisal, inventorying, selection, and development are closely related . �����õķ�Χ�ڣ����ۡ�������ѡ���Լ������ȹ��̶�ϢϢ��ء�
2. Establish locations, facilities, and equipment for receiving, inventorying, storing, and issuing supplies. Ϊ���ա���顢�洢�ͷַ�����������������ʩ���豸��
3. For inventorying this system, warm benzene is fed to the bottom of each reactor, and the top of each reactor is vented to the flare. ���ϵͳ��Ͷ���ǽ��ȱ��ӵ�ÿ����Ӧ���ĵײ���ÿ����Ӧ���Ķ�������������������
1. making an itemized list of merchandise or supplies on hand
Inventorying �̵�;
inventorying of enterprise property and auditing of capital �������;