1. In the search for laws he displayed inventiveness in hypotheses. ��Ѱ�Ҷ���ʱ���������˶Լ�˵�Ĵ����ԡ�
2. As a genre, ragtime requires strict attention to structure, not inventiveness or virtuosity. ��Ϊһ����ã�ɢ������Ҫ�ϸ�ע��ṹ�����Ƿ��»�տ���ɡ�
3. Spaceflight is full of small details, inventiveness, contingencies, serendipity. To make it work, sometimes you have to fly by the seat of your pants. ̫�շ��г�����Сϸ�ڣ������ԣ������żȻ��Ϊ��������������ʱ���㲻�ò�����һ������ȥ�����˹̶�����λ�ϡ�