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invasive [in'veisiv]



    adj. �����Եģ������Ե�




    1. Now, what type of invasive lobular carcinoma is it?
    2. It was done as part of a study to test new methods of minimally invasive surgery.
    3. Invasive micro-pump system dust particles, can cause or exacerbate the hydraulic friction and wear components, and further lead to leakage.


      1. relating to a technique in which the body is entered by puncture or incision
      2. marked by a tendency to spread especially into healthy tissue
      3. involving invasion or aggressive attack
      4. gradually intrusive without right or permission


    �ֺ��ģ������; ���ֵ�; ��Ϯ�Ե�; ���壺��Ϯ��,�����,�ֺ���,������;
    invasive integration
    invasive plant
    invasive candidiasis
    ���������Ⱦ; ���������Ѫ֢;
    minimally invasive
    ΢����; ΢��; ΢������;


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