1. The insurance was invalid for the invalid. ���ն����˲�������Ч�ġ�
2. Invalid function argument value, type or count. ��Ч�ĺ�������ֵ�����ͻ������
3. Which, if any, of the following names are invalid? ������ĸ����еĻ�����������Ч�ģ�
1. someone who is incapacitated by a chronic illness or injury
2. force to retire, remove from active duty, as of firemen
3. injure permanently adj.
1. having no cogency or legal force
2. no longer valid
invalid ��Ч;
��Ч���ģ� ��Ч;
invalid diet ��������ʳ;
Invalid Cell ��Ч��Ԫ;
invalid ballots ��ЧƱ;
invalid character ��Ч�ַ�;
�ַ���Ч ��Ч��Ԫ;