1. "Sire, " said the Minister of the Interior to Napoleon, "yesterday I saw the most intrepid man in your Empire. �����£��������ص�������˵���������Ҽ�����һ�����ĵ۹������¸ҵ��ˡ���
2. Super SLG intrepid types of small game, the professional attributes of a very distinctive, hematemesis recommended! ��ǿ����SLG���͵�С��Ϸ����ְҵ�����Էdz���������Ѫ�Ƽ���
3. Is depending upon the gem attribute addition, an ordinary weapon also completely has the possibility to turn an intrepid murder sharp weapon originally. �����ű�ʯ�����Լӳɣ�ԭ��һ����ͨ������Ҳ��ȫ�п��ܱ��һ��ǿ����ɱ��������