1. Although my brother knew many people, he had few intimate friends. ��Ȼ���ֵ���ʶ�����ˣ������ܵ�����ȴ���١�
2. Have The Best , Most Fun , Intimate And Memorable Valentines Ever ! ����õģ�����Ȥ�ģ����еĺ����������ˣ�
3. Or if your relationship with your kids is great, maybe your intimate relationship is suffering. ���ߣ�����������ĺ�����ΰ��ģ�Ҳ��������ܹ�ϵ��ʹ�ࡣ
1. someone to whom private matters are confided
2. give to understand
3. imply as a possibility adj.
1. marked by close acquaintance, association, or familiarity
2. having or fostering a warm or friendly and informal atmosphere
3. having mutual interests or affections; of established friendship
4. involved in a sexual relationship
5. innermost or essential
6. thoroughly acquainted through study or experience