1. He interpreted the silence as contempt. �������Ĭ��������ı�ʾ��
2. One such way of interpreting source code for a computer is by compiling it into binary, which computers are able to understand. һ�ַ���Ϊ���������Դ������ʹ�á����롱��ʹ���Ϊ������ܹ�����ġ������ơ��ļ���
3. Forgetting is a thorny problem not only in the theory of interpretation, but also in the practice of interpreting without notes. �����ǿ��뷽�����е�һ���Ƚϼ��ֵ����⣬Ҳ���ޱʼǿ���ʱ����Ա�е�ͷʹ�����⡣
1. an explanation of something that is not immediately obvious