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interior [in'tiəriə]



    n. �ڲ�������
    adj. �ڲ��ģ����ڵģ����ʵ�




inner   ����㷺��ָ�������Ļ�ӽ����ĵIJ�λ��Ҳ��ָ�������ܵĻ��
inside   ��ָ����ij���ڲ��򿿽��ڲ���������inner���ã�������ָ��Ļ�ģ����ܵġ�
interior   ָij����ڲ�����ָij����ڲࣻҲ��ָ�ڵصĻ���ڵġ�
internal   �����ôʣ�ҽѧ�϶��ã�ָ������ڲ���Ҳ��ָ���ڵĻ������ġ�
inward   ָ�������Ļ��ڲ�����ģ����ط��������λ�ã�Ҳ��ָ���ĵ����ܻ��


    1. Say interior decoration is a part of interior design only so.
    2. For the Park building, villa style, and even interior decoration.
    3. Methods:To build up interior management mechanism and induct crisis management to the nursing management.


      1. the region that is inside of something
      2. the inner or enclosed surface of something
      3. the United States federal department charged with conservation and the development of natural resour
      1. situated within or suitable for inside a building
      2. inside the country
      3. located inward
      4. inside and toward a center
      5. of or coming from the middle of a region or country


    �ڲ�; �ڲ����ڲ���; �ڲ���; ����;
    interior transportation
    Interior Decorator
    ����װ�Σ��ǣ�ʦ; ��������ʦ; ������Ƽ�; ����װ��ʦ;
    interior basin
    ��½���; �ڸ۲���; �ڸ۳�;
    Int Interior
    �ڲ�; �ڲ���,����;


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