mind ʹ�ù㷺���ް���֮�⡣ǿ��������ʶ�����䡢˼���������ȵ��ǻ۹��ܡ� intellect ���ز��ܸ������־���ҵ��侲˼�������������� intelligence ָ������Ը�����������������ǣ�Ҳָ���á�չ���ǻ۵������� wit ָ����IJ��ܡ���������ʶ�ȣ�����С������ζ�� wisdom �����ţ�Ҳ��ָ���ǵ����С�
1. What Is Intelligence, Anyway? ����ʲô��������
2. Use it to test your intelligence! ������������������ɣ�
3. He bases the power of the majority on the advantage of collective intelligence. ���Ѷ����˵ļ�������������Ϊ������Ȩ���Ļ�����
1. the ability to comprehend; to understand and profit from experience
2. a unit responsible for gathering and interpreting information about an enemy
3. secret information about an enemy (or potential enemy)
4. new information about specific and timely events
5. the operation of gathering information about an enemy