1. Choosing a foundation of right of claim is a scientific and scrupulous legal intellection process. ����Ȩ����֮ѡ����һ����ѧ���Ͻ��ķ���˼ά���̡�
2. Sign language accords with the intellection habit and cognitive mode of deaf people and they have natural advantages to grasp it. �����������������˼άϰ�ߺ���֪��ʽ�����ԣ�����ѧϰ���������Ȼ���ơ�
3. With "cooperation, innovation, intellection", Amsam will keep always provide high quality, perfect price, and high technology products to our partners. ���С��ںϡ����¡����ܡ��İ���Ѷ��һ�������Ϊ��������ṩʵ�á����ʡ����ȵĿƼ���Ʒ��
1. the process of using your mind to consider something carefully