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insured [in'ʃuəd]



    n. ��������
    adj. ��Ͷ����
    v. ȷ�����������գ�insure�Ĺ�ȥʽ�͹�ȥ�ִʣ�




    1. The company has insured all the workers who use dangerous machines.
    2. So help yourself get a Free auto insurance quotes and get your dream car insured.
    3. The insurer may accept the abandonment or choose not to, but shall inform the insured of his decision whether to accept the abandonment within a reasonable time.


      1. a person whose interests are protected by an insurance policy; a person who contracts for an insuran
      2. covered by insurance


    ��������; �ܱ���; Ͷ����; ��������;
    the insured
    ��������; �ܱ���; ��������Ͷ����; Ͷ����;
    insured sum
    �����ܶ�; ����; ������ֵ;
    insured peril
    ר���; �����¹�; �б�Σ���¹�;
    subject insured


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