1. Adam Przeworski, a political scientist, once defined democracy as a way to institutionalise uncertainty. ���ο�ѧ��������˹����AdamsPrezworski��������������Ϊ��ȷ���Ե��ƶȻ���
2. Who wouldn't want to see America's sweetheart get blackmailed for sex and try to institutionalise her boyfriend and cheat on her husband? ��˭���뿴����λ�������ĵ��Ըб��ݣ����ڵ�Ӱ��������˽�������Ѻ���ƭ�Լ����ɷ�
3. Microsoft, Yahoo and others are helping to institutionalise and legitimise the integration of censorship into the global IT business model. �����Ż���������˾���ڴ�ʹ�����ȫ��IT����ģʽ��£��ʹ֮�ƶȻ���Ϸ�����
1. cause to be admitted; of persons to an institution