1. If only they would realize above all that an artist works of necessity, that he himself is only an insignificant part of the world. Ҫ����������ʶ������Ҫ����һ�������ҵı�Ҫ����Ʒ�������ұ���ֻ�������ؽ�Ҫ��һ���֡�
2. A master was explaining the nature of the Tao to one of his novices, "The Tao is embodied in all software -- regardless of how insignificant, " said the master. ��ѧ������������ʦ���͡�������Ȼ������ʦ˵�������������κ�������--�����Ƕ�ô����֮�ҳ�������û���������������
3. Executives, managers, or software developers, they all spend a large part of their working hours closeted in conference rooms discussing issues, significant and insignificant. �ܲá��ܾ���������������Ա���Ứ�Ѵ����Ĺ���ʱ����ڻ��������������⣬��������Ҫ�Ļ��Dz���Ҫ�ġ�
1. not large enough to consider or notice
2. not worthy of notice
3. signifying nothing
4. of little importance or influence or power; of minor status
5. not important or noteworthy