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insecurity [,insi'kjuərəti]



    n. ����ȫ�����ο����ް��գ����񲻶�



    1. Or deny it entry into your heart with excuses molded from doubt or insecurity.
    2. On both large and small farms, one of the principal inhibitions to expansion of production can be insecurity of tenure.
    3. A human being is quite a frail creature, for the gloss of rationality that covers his or her fears and insecurity is thin and often easily breached.


      1. the state of being subject to danger or injury
      2. the anxiety you experience when you feel vulnerable and insecure


    ����ȫ; ����ȫ��; ��̮��״̬; ����ȫ ����ȫ��;
    emotional insecurity
    ontological insecurity
    perceptual insecurity
    data insecurity


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