1. It must not be supposed that the fall in prices thus analysed is innocuous . ���Ǿ����ܼ����������������ļ۸��½������ġ�
2. Allergic reactions can occur when the immune system over reacts to innocuous substances. ������Ӧ���ܷ���������ϵͳ��Ӧ�������ʡ�
3. For keen on making stars of the entertainment power and is ready for something new to the well-known athletes, some of the contact innocuous advertising business is just hit it off. �������������ǵ����������Ͷ������������������֪���˶�Ա��˵����ǢһЩ���˴��ŵĹ�����ҵ�������һ�ļ��ϵ��¡�
1. not injurious to physical or mental health
2. unlikely to harm or disturb anyone
3. not causing disapproval
4. lacking intent or capacity to injure