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inland ['inlənd, -lænd]



    n. �ڵأ���½
    adj. ��½�ģ��ڵصģ����ڵ�
    adv. ���ڵأ����ڵأ�����½������½



    1. Soon they are standing on the highest point they can reach, and still the water, flowing inland steadily, rises.
    2. Inland river inferior quality ship existence have extremely threated human life , cargo safety and water area environment .
    3. Compared with inland areas, the regional environment of coastal areas is more beneficial to the growth and development of 200 SMEs.


      1. situated away from an area's coast or border
      2. towards or into the interior of a region


    ��½�����ڣ��ڵ�; �ڵص�; �ڵصģ����ڵ�; ����;
    Inland Empire
    ��½�۹�; ������½�۹�����; ��½�۹���; �ڵ��۹�;
    inland country
    ��½����; ��½��;
    inland lot
    inland earthquake
    ��½����; ��½�������塢�������� [��½����;


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