1. Soon they are standing on the highest point they can reach, and still the water, flowing inland steadily, rises. �ܿ죬����վ�������ܵ������ߵ㣬����ˮ��Ȼ���Ȳ��������ţ�������½������
2. Inland river inferior quality ship existence have extremely threated human life , cargo safety and water area environment . �ںӵ����������Ĵ��ڸ�������������ȫ��ˮ�������˼�����в��
3. Compared with inland areas, the regional environment of coastal areas is more beneficial to the growth and development of 200 SMEs. ����½������ȣ��غ���������������Ƚ�������200����С��ҵ�ijɳ��ͷ�չ��
1. situated away from an area's coast or border
2. towards or into the interior of a region