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infringement [in'frindʒmənt]



    n. �ַ���Υ��



    1. An intrusion or infringement on another.
    2. First, the Commission must have regard both to the gravity and to the duration of the infringement.
    3. On the other hand, we should guard against infringement by others, picking up the weapon of law to protect our own rights.


      1. an act that disregards an agreement or a right
      2. a crime less serious than a felony


    ��Ȩ; ��̤; ΥԼ; �ַ�;
    trademark infringement
    �̱���Ȩ; �ַ��̱�Ȩ; �̱���Ȩ��Ϊ;
    vicarious infringement
    �����ֺ�; ������Ȩ����; �����Ȩ; ��λ��Ȩ;
    primary infringement
    Administrative Infringement


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