1. An intrusion or infringement on another. ���ŶԱ��˵������''��'�ֺ�'��''��
2. First, the Commission must have regard both to the gravity and to the duration of the infringement. ���ȣ�ŷ��ίԱ������עΥ����Ϊ�������Ժͳ����ڼ������档
3. On the other hand, we should guard against infringement by others, picking up the weapon of law to protect our own rights. ��һ����ҲҪ��ֹ��������Ȩ�����Լ��İ�Ȩ�ܵ��ֺ�ʱҪ����������ά���Լ���Ȩ����
1. an act that disregards an agreement or a right
2. a crime less serious than a felony