1. California's infamous Proposition 13 of 1978 cut property taxes, the main source of revenue for municipalities and school districts. ����1978���13���������������ѧ������Ҫ��������Դ���Ʋ�˰��������ָ��
2. The tree story surfaced again when a state policeman who was supporting Joe Woodward swore he had taken me out of that infamous tree back in 1969. �����Ĺ��¡��ٴθ��֣�����һλ֧���ǡ�����ֵµľ��췢�ģ�1969���������Ҵ��ǿ������ǽ������Ū�����ġ�
3. This Flaw could derive from his infamous family or from his association with a scandalous organization such as the Mob or a company known for environmental infractions. ���ȱ�ݿ��ɲ������ļ���ȡ�ã����Ǿ���ijЩⷰ��ϵ���ɳܵ���֯��������å������Υ�������������������Ĺ�˾��