1. Information security is an inevitably problem of network application. ��Ϣ��ȫ������Ӧ�ò��ɱ�������⡣
2. A classic Snake game, inevitably a bit defective, please point out to everyone. һ�������̰������Ϸ�������е�ȱ�ݣ�����ָ������
3. Inevitably/Accordingly, the resources will be exhausted and man will have to face whatever is awaiting him. ���ɱ������/��ˣ���Դ�����ľ������ཫ���ò���ԵȺ�������һ�С�
1. in such a manner as could not be otherwise
2. by necessity
inevitably ���ɱ����;
ineluctability inescapability inevitably ���ɱ���;
the good inevitably is successful �����Ʊ������ж�;
the good inevitably is successful and the bad inevitably puniITd �����Ʊ������ж�;