1. Air is indispensable to life. ����������������ġ�
2. Ah! Red is the color of life, indispensable. I like red. ������ɫ�������в���ȱ�ٵ���ɫ����ϲ����ɫ��
3. Chic, distinctive small ornament also can mirror master disposition, can become the ornament with indispensable space to taste sometimes. ���¡����ص�С����Ҳ�ܷ�ӳ���˵����飬��ʱ���ܳ�Ϊ�ռ䲻�ɻ�ȱ�ĵ�Ʒ��
1. not to be dispensed with; essential
2. absolutely necessary; vitally necessary
3. unavoidable