1. The second electron is only indirectly aware of the presence of the first. �ڶ�������ֻ�Ǽ�ӵؾ��쵽��һ�����ӵĴ��ڡ�
2. If your remarks, directly or indirectly lead to civil or criminal liability will be your personal commitment. ������������ֱ�ӻ��ӵ��µ����»����·������ν��������˳е���
3. Research shows that stress wave reflection method can not only detect the anchoring position and anchoring length, but also indirectly detect the bolt anchoring force through anchor wave velocity. �о����������Ӧ�������䷨�������Լ��ê�˵�ê��λ�ú�ê�̳��ȣ���������ê���岨�ټ�Ӽ��ê�˵�ê������С��