1. In this paper, the characteristic and functional mechanism of the surfactant was studied, and property of alkyl indicant drilling fluid was evaluated also. �о���������յ����ԡ����û���������������������꾮Һ�����ܡ�����������������������͡�ˮ���кõĻ����ԣ������������������Ժã�
2. Persons with disability are a weak group in whole society. It is an indicant of social harmonization to enhance care for the persons with disability and improve their quality of life. �м�������������Ⱥ�壬�Ӵ�Բм��˵Ĺػ��չˣ����������������������г��һ����־��
3. Persons with disability are a weak group in whole society. It is an Indicant of social harmonization to enhance care for the persona with disability and improve their quality of life. �м�������������Ⱥ�壬�Ӵ�Բм��˵Ĺػ��չˣ����������������������г��һ����־��
1. something that serves to indicate or suggest
2. a number or ratio (a value on a scale of measurement) derived from a series of observed facts; can r