1. Robin Hood himself seems incurious where his arrows will strike, or at least unwilling to be specific. �ޱ��������ƺ����������Լ��ļ�������δ������������Dz�Ը�����Ŀ�ꡣ
2. But if the pleasure of learning is universal, why are there so many dull, incurious people in the world? Ȼ�������˵ѧϰ����Ȥ���ձ���ڵģ���ôΪʲô�����ϻ�����ô����û��ŷ�ζ�����������أ�
3. But if the pleasure of learning is universal, why are there so many dull, incurious people in the world? �������ѧϰ����Ȥ������ձ�ģ���ôΪʲô�����ϻ�����ô�෦ζ����Ȥ���ˣ�
1. showing absence of intellectual inquisitiveness or natural curiosity