1. Some people reveal a incredible fact that his paper has more than 50% similarity with another person! һЩ���Ѿ���¶��������������һ���˵������г���50%�����ƶȣ�
2. To carry a lightsaber is an example of incredible skill and confidence, dexterity and attunement to the Force. Я����һ���⽣��ӵ�о��˵ļ��������ţ����ݺ���ԭ������ͳһ�ı�־��
3. And a lot of people who want that generation working for them, that's an incredible talent set that not everybody has. ������������һ����Ϊ���ǹ�����������������Ҫ���Dz���ÿ�˶��е�һ����������IJ��ܡ�