1. So the new evidence for Arctic evolution is "inconclusive at best, " he said. ���ԣ��Ա�����������֤�ݣ�����˵����������˵Ҳ���ܹ��½��ۡ�
2. But several factors have helped to make the Muslim debate about democracy difficult and inconclusive. ���ǣ��������ش�ʹ��˹�ֶ����������۱�����Ѷ���ȷ����
3. In a field as complicated as forensic science there are many sources of error, most of which will lead to an inconclusive or no result. ��ҽѧ�������ӵ���������������������Դ����������ᵼ�²�ȷ���Ļ���û�н����
1. not conclusive; not putting an end to doubt or question
2. leading to no final results or outcome