1. It includes vehicle and vessel usage tax, vehicle and vessel usage license plate tax, vessel tonnage tax, stamp tax , deed tax , securities exchange tax(not yet levied ), slaughter tax. ��������ʹ��˰������ʹ������˰��������˰��ӡ��˰����˰��֤ȯ����˰��Ŀǰû������������������˰����ϯ˰��8��˰��
2. blame labor such as management labor income includes the lawful income such as capital income, interest income, hire income, stockjobbing and illegimate blame work income. ���Ͷ���������ʱ����롢��Ϣ���롢������롢��Ʊ�����ȺϷ�����Ͳ��Ϸ��ķ��Ͷ����롣
3. Thus, the new personal income tax idea should emphasize a universal tax and the principle of burden, practice negative income tax and low the progressive tax rate, me. ��ˣ��µĸ�������˰������Ӧ��ǿ��ȫ����˰�����ܸ���ԭ��ʵ�е��۽�˰�ʺ�����˰˰�ʣ�ͬʱҪ�Ľ�����ģʽ��
4. Labor income includes salary, bonus, remuneration, betray patent income, individual production manages income, the family produces income, the income of; �Ͷ�����������ʡ����𡢸�ꡢ����ר�����룬����������Ӫ���룬��ͥ�������룬��Ӫ�Ͷ�����ȣ�
5. The alternative minimum tax (AMT) was designed to make sure that high-income taxpayers who heavily utilize tax shelters would pay at least some federal income tax. ��������˰��Ϊ��ȷ����Щ���ص�����˰���Żݶ����˰�ĸ��������˰�����ٽ���һЩ��������˰����Ƶġ�
Per Capita Annual Total Income and Net Income of Rural Households Grouped by Level of Net Income ������ȼ�����ũ������˾�������;
additional income tax return ��������˰�걨��;
withholding income tax return Ԥ������˰�걨��;
Annual Income Tax Return �������˰�걨��;