1. An incisive change in Greek philosophy and thought took place in the fifth century. ��Ԫ�����͡�ϣ������ѧ��˼�뷢����һ����̵ı仯��
2. The novel is particularly illuminating and incisive on the subject of female friendship, on what draws girls and women together and then drives them apart. С˵���������ıʵ���д���й�Ů����������⡪����ʲôʹ���������䣬����ʲôʹ���Ƿֵ�����
3. As soon as this melamine storm, handles food security crisis to the Liu cabinet is shocks the education, handles both banks business to the Liu cabinet is an incisive stimulation. ��������谷�籩�������ڸ���ʳƷ��ȫΣ����һ�����������ڸ��������������һ����Ĵ̼���
1. having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions
2. suitable for cutting or piercing