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incentive [in'sentiv]



    n. �������̼�
    adj. �����ģ��̼���




    1. Such praise for his father is an incentive for Washington, his honesty and gradually develop the habit.
    2. The first is to show that the unemployed have sufficient incentive to find work, even if they receive unemployment benefits indefinitely.
    3. Share lease, which is an M&A deal mechanism produced for the market demand, has certain influence on the change of share right system and the incentive for corporation M&A.


      1. a positive motivational influence
      2. an additional payment (or other remuneration) to employees as a means of increasing output


    ����; ����; ����,�̼�,����; ����;
    incentive plan
    �����ƻ�; �����ƻ�; �ݼ��ƻ�; �����취;
    incentive travel
    ��������; ��������;
    Incentive Marketing
    �̼�Ӫ��; ����Ӫ��; �̼�����; ��Ӫ��;
    incentive system
    ������; �����ƶ�; �����ƶ�; ��������;


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