1. Such praise for his father is an incentive for Washington, his honesty and gradually develop the habit. �������������Ի�ʢ����˵��һ�ֹ��������ij�ʵϰ����������ɡ�
2. The first is to show that the unemployed have sufficient incentive to find work, even if they receive unemployment benefits indefinitely. ��һ����ʧҵ�����㹻�Ķ���ȥѰ�ҹ�������ʹ�����������ڵصõ�ʧҵ�ȼý�
3. Share lease, which is an M&A deal mechanism produced for the market demand, has certain influence on the change of share right system and the incentive for corporation M&A. ��Ȩ��������Ӧ�г���Ҫ��������һ�����͵IJ��������ƣ����ҹ���Ȩ�ƶȵı�P��˾������Ϊ�ļ�����������һ�������á�
1. a positive motivational influence
2. an additional payment (or other remuneration) to employees as a means of increasing output