1. How to report an inappropriate message? �����㱨��ǡ����ѶϢ?
2. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in progress. �������ڽ��еĹ����⣬��������ĵ��Dz����ʵġ�
3. The strict decomposition at the Pinch normally results in networks with at least one unit more than the minimum number, as well as a few units of inappropriate small area. �ڼе��¶��½����ϸ�ֽ�ͨ���������������Ҫ���������ٵ�Ԫ���ٶ�һ����������������ҳ���һЩ������С����ĵ�Ԫ��
1. not suitable for a particular occasion etc
2. not in keeping with what is correct or proper