1. The queues often consisted of one part people to two parts inanimate objects. ���ﳣ��������֮һ���ˡ�����֮����û����������Ʒ��������
2. For an inanimate object, the Jules Rimet World Cup trophy has had a whirlwind of a life. ����һ��û�����������壬�����������籭�ھ�����������ʽ�����
3. English sentences with inanimate subjects are a typical sentence pattern in formal written English. Ӣ�������������Ӣ����ʽ�������е�һ�ֵ��;��͡�
1. belonging to the class of nouns denoting nonliving things
2. not endowed with life
3. appearing dead; not breathing or having no perceptible pulse