1. The span of time, including order preparation time, queue time, processing time, moving time, and receiving and inspection time, is called lead time. ���ʱ�����ڰ������������ȴ��������������Լ�����ʱ�䣬���ʱ��γ���ǰ��ʱ�䡣
2. Wang Weis time perception is behind the group unconsciousness reflected in the points about scarce and suffering in time and embodies, time change time limitlessness and time perpetualness. ��ά����ʱ��ĸ�֪����Խ���й�����ʱ�������Ͽ־���ǻ��ġ���������ʶ�������ֳ�ʱ������ԡ�ʱ�����ʱ���Ժ�ʱ���˲Ϣ�����ԡ�
3. TIME CONCEPT: The most effective way to save time is to use time reasonable. Waste time will miss the chance. To saving time will be able to clutch the chance. ʱ�����˷�ʱ��͵����˷ѻ��ᣬ��Լʱ����������Ȼ�����Լʱ�������Ч�ķ������Ǻ���������ʱ�䡣
4. The time in which equipment is in actual use, such as production time, incidental time, development time (program), etc. ָʵ��ʹ���豸��ʱ�䣬��������ʱ�䡢���湤��ʱ�䡢����ʱ��ȵȡ�
5. Firstly, I arranged the time properly, adjusting rest time, study time and sportful time. ���ȣ���������ʱ�䣬��������Ϣʱ�䣬�����ѧϰ�����������ֵ�ʱ�䡣
sometimes at times at whiles for time to time from time to time on occasion ��ʱ;
sometimes at times at whiles for time to time from time to time on occasion ��ʱ;
sometimes at times at whiles for time to time from time to time on occasion ��ʱ;
behind the time off time out of time untimeliness ����ʱ��;
a long time ago langsyne long time ago time out of mind way back �ܾ���ǰ;