1. But, the Acracholia Ring is not the best weapon, the best one is "Spite" , so the most lethal thing is the cheerful spite. ����Ҳ������Ϭ����������������Ϭ�����ǡ���Թ����ޡ������������������������ġ�
2. bear [owe] sb. a spite [have a spite against sb. ����������Թ������������õ���ߣ�
3. in spite of his insignificance and abjection, man has taken it up. �����Լ���С�뱰�ɣ���������������ս��
4. And in spite of the cunning of artful political leaders, these three gifts from God precede all human legislation, and are superior to it. ������Щ����������μ�թ�ƻ����ϵ۴������ǵ����������������κ����෨�������Ҹ���һ�У�
5. In spite of all you say, I still aver that his report is true. ����������˵���һ��Ƕ������ı�������ʵ�ġ�
For in spite of the grumblers who stand about ���ܵ������з���ɧ���ˣ�;
hate bitterness malice malignity peeve spite spleen venom Թ��;
hate bitterness malice malignity peeve spite spleen venom Թ��;