1. Anyone who speaks in the name of others is always an imposter. �Ա�������˵���������Ǹ����������ߡ�
2. Dear imposter Kaifulee: U pretended to be me for 3 months. You've been reasonable, but with the Reuter's coverage, had to get my name back. �װ��ؼ������������3���µĽ�ɫ������Ϸ���ڼ仹����ʵ����������·��ı������ұ����û��ҵ��˺��ˡ�
3. An identity thief is an imposter who assumes another person's identity in order to profit illegally or because the thief wants to hide behind a new identity. ��ν���ݵ��÷�����һ��ƭ��ð����˵��������Ƿ�IJ��������Ϊ��Ҫ���������������Լ���