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implication [,impli'keiʃən]



    n. ���壻��ʾ��ǣ��������



hint   ����ôʣ���ָ�����еģ���ӵİ�ʾ��
implication   ָ��ij�²����������Լ���������������Զ�����������̬�ȣ�Ҫ�Է������ƶϡ�
suggestion   �ȿ�ָ�Ƚ����Եİ�ʾ���ֿ�ָ�͹�����¶���ļ���


    1. Implication is a more generic notion.
    2. The implication presumably is that the duct tape replaces skill.
    3. Often Sometimes, a word or a look are the selfless love implication.


      1. something that is inferred (deduced or entailed or implied)
      2. a meaning that is not expressly stated but can be inferred
      3. an accusation that brings into intimate and usually incriminating connection
      4. a logical relation between propositions p and q of the form `if p then q'; if p is true then q canno
      5. a relation implicated by virtue of involvement or close connection (especially an incriminating invo


    ��ʾ; ����; ǣ��; ���壬��ʾ;
    budgetary implication
    economic implication
    environmental implication
    ������������ϵ; ����Ӱ��;
    macroeconomic implication
    �����徭�õ�Ӱ��; �����徭�õ�Ӱ�� �ƾ�;


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