1. Die Manufacturing products of the concrete implementation phase . ģ�������Dz�Ʒ�ľ���ʵʩ�Ρ�
2. Follow the FTP protocol, implementation of remote file upload, download, view and remote directory to create and delete. ��ѭFTPЭ�飬ʵ��Զ���ļ����ϴ������ء��鿴�Լ�Զ��Ŀ¼�Ĵ�����ɾ����
3. Members will be able to assess the economics and benefits of different applications as a function of the implementation costs. ��Ա�ǽ��ܹ��Բ�ͬ��Ӧ�ã���ʽ����Ϊһ����ھ��ú�Ч������ʵʩ�ɱ���������
1. the act of accomplishing some aim or executing some order
2. the act of implementing (providing a practical means for accomplishing something); carrying into eff