1. The latter approach provides better performance because it avoids impersonation altogether. ��һ�ַ����ṩ�����ܸ��ѣ���Ϊ����ȫ������ģ�⡣
2. My husband drank a bit too much at the party and did his Elvis Presley impersonation-it really brought the house down. ���ɷ��ھۻ��Ϻȶ���һ�㣬���ݵİ���ά˹����˹���ܾ����˸�����IJ����˴�ҵĺȲɡ�
3. An identification scheme based on ID cryptosystem is analyzed and shown to suffer from reset attacks and impersonation attacks. ������֤����һ������ID��������֤�����������ù������Ӷ����·�����ð�乥�����Dz���ȫ�ġ�
1. a representation of a person that is exaggerated for comic effect
2. pretending to be another person
3. imitating the mannerisms of another person