1. The Imperceptible Influence����The Exploration and Practice of Human Quality Education in "Culture and Literature" Courses. ���DZ��ҹ����ϸ�����������Ļ�����ѧ���γ�Ⱥ���Ľ�����̽����ʵ����
2. So it is with people: except in unusual circumstances, the effects of our own culture generally remain imperceptible to us. ��Ҳ�������������ڲ�ͬѰ��������£��Ļ������ǵ�Ӱ��ͨ����Ϊ������ע�⡣
3. The algorithm has found a good balance between the robustness and imperceptible of the algorithm, and realized the blind detection. ���㷨��ˮӡ��³���ԺͲ��ɲ����֮��Ѱ��һ��ƽ��㣬����ˮӡ���ʱʵ��ä��⡣
1. impossible or difficult to perceive by the mind or senses