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immense [i'mens]



    adj. �޴�ģ����ģ��ޱ��޼ʵģ�[��]�dz��õ�



huge   ����㣬ǿ��������ݻ����Ӵ�Ҳ�������������塣
enormous   ָ�����������̶�ԶԶ����һ���׼��
immense   ��ʽ�ôʣ����ؿռ�Ĺ�����Ҳָ���������ľ޴�
giant   ����ʽ�ôʣ���Ϊ���塣ָ����˰���Ӵ������
gigantic   ָ���������ľ޴󣬵��������������塣
colossal   ���سߴ硢��ģ��������ޱȾ޴�
vast   ��ָ�ռ䡢�������Χ�ľ޴󣬲��漰������
massive   ָ�������������������������Ӵ�����ء�
tremendous   ָij��ܴ󣬴�þ��ˣ�Ҳ�������������塣


    1. If we do so, your contribution to our ultimate victory will have been immense.
    2. The temptation to do it is immense, of course -- particularly since the Republicans seem fresh out of new ideas.
    3. The anthropological concept of "culture" like the concept of "set" in mathematics, is an abstract concept which makes possible immense amounts of concrete research and understanding.


      1. unusually great in size or amount or degree or especially extent or scope


    �޴��; ���޵�; ������; �����ģ��ޱߵ�;
    immense quantities
    immense radiation
    immense immense
    �����ģ��ޱߵ�; ������,�ޱߵ�;
    immense stadium


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