1. If we do so, your contribution to our ultimate victory will have been immense. ���������ijɹ��ˣ���ô�������ʤ���Ĺ����Ǿ�ġ�
2. The temptation to do it is immense, of course -- particularly since the Republicans seem fresh out of new ideas. �������ջ��Ǿ�ģ���Ȼ--�ر���Դӹ��͵����ƺ��ո������µ��뷨������
3. The anthropological concept of "culture" like the concept of "set" in mathematics, is an abstract concept which makes possible immense amounts of concrete research and understanding. ������ѧ�еġ����ϡ�����һ��������ѧ�ġ��Ļ���������һ����������ʹ�����ľ����о��������Ϊ���ܡ�
1. unusually great in size or amount or degree or especially extent or scope