1. The machine that made can already bring help fully to mankind, have still arisen the robot who can imitate human thought basically. ��������Ļ������ܹ���ֵظ���������������������˻����ܹ�ģ������˼ά�Ļ����ˡ�
2. The ambition of Americans was to imitate the dress and to introduce as fast as possible the fashionable amusements of the European courts. �����˵�Ŀ������������ٶ�ģ��ŷ��͢�ķ��Ρ�����ŷ��͢�����е�ʱ�����ֻ��
3. Binocular stereo vision can directly imitate the human eye and human visual perception of three-dimensional, computer vision is the core topic of study. ˫Ŀ�����Ӿ�����ֱ��ģ�������������Ӿ��������֪���̣��Ǽ�����Ӿ��о��ĺ��Ŀ���֮һ��
1. reproduce someone's behavior or looks
2. appear like, as in behavior or appearance
3. make a reproduction or copy of