1. That price Swindling is illegitimate competition behavior. �۸���թ�Dz������ľ�����Ϊ��
2. During development, when the code is being written, it is important to consider illegitimate uses of your application. �ڿ��������У��ر�����д�����ʱ���ǷǷ��û��Ƿdz���Ҫ�ġ�
3. Computer Science A set of instructions hidden inside a legitimate program, causing a computer to perform illegitimate functions. �Ƿ����������һ�������ںϷ������е����ָʾ��������в��Ϸ���������
1. the illegitimate offspring of unmarried parents
2. contrary to or forbidden by law
3. of marriages and offspring; not recognized as lawful