1. She neither sentimentalized the Chechen rebels nor demonized the Russian conscripts��ill-armed, ill-fed and ill-led��who have crushed the Chechens' half-baked independence. �����ı��£������Ѿ����DZ���Ӣ�ۣ�����ʿ�����ʮ�����ħ����������װ����ª��������⡢�쵼���ܡ�����Ȼ���Ƕ�ɱ�˳������������ӡ�
2. But these bishops and abbots who rob the poor, and the high sheriffs who bind and beat them, cropping their ears and cruelly ill��treating them, these you shall lighten of their ill��gotten gains. ������Щ���̺�ɮ���������˵Ķ������Ӹ�λ�Ŀ����������ǣ������ǣ������ǵĶ��䣬�п�ֱ��ضԴ����ǣ���Щ������Ӧ�ü�����������������棻
3. Diagnosis can also sometimes be used to straightjacket patients into ill-defined and ill-fitting categories that lend a scientific appearance to socially constructed biases. �����ʱҲ�������Ѳ��������ع���һЩ��𣬶���Щ��������Ƕ���ģ������ǡ���ģ���ȴʹһЩ����γɵ�ƫ�������˿�ѧ�����¡�
4. The evil priest planned to return to Spain with his ill-gotten treasure, but he fell ill with a fever a week before his ship was scheduled to leave. ���������Щ���IJƱ���������ȥ�����ǿ���ǰ��һ���������˸���һ������
5. The evil priest planned to return to Spain with his ill-gotten treasure, but he fell ill with a fever a week before his ship was scheduled to leave. ���������Щ���IJƱ���������ȥ�����ǿ���ǰ��һ���������˸���һ������