1. Which ignition ceremony gave you a deeper impression? �Ľ�����ʽ��������ӡ�����
2. When you turn the ignition key, it activates the solenoid to power the motor. ����ת����Կ��ʱ��ʵ�������������߹ܣ���ʹ����������ת��
3. This article recommends a method which can deduce critical heat flux and ignition temperature from the data determined by cone calorimeter. ���߽�����һ�ִ������ȼƲ�õ������Ƶ��ٽ���������͵�ȼ�¶ȵķ�����
1. the process of initiating combustion or catching fire
2. the mechanism that ignites the fuel in an internal-combustion engine
3. the act of setting something on fire
ignition ���;
ignition system ���ϵͳ;