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ignition [iɡ'niʃən]



    n. ��𣬵�ȼ���Ż�ȼ�գ���𿪹أ����װ��



    1. Which ignition ceremony gave you a deeper impression?
    2. When you turn the ignition key, it activates the solenoid to power the motor.
    3. This article recommends a method which can deduce critical heat flux and ignition temperature from the data determined by cone calorimeter.


      1. the process of initiating combustion or catching fire
      2. the mechanism that ignites the fuel in an internal-combustion engine
      3. the act of setting something on fire


    ���; �Ż�; ��ȼ; ����;
    ignition system
    ���ϵͳ; ���ϵ; ���װ�ã����ϵͳ; ���װ��;
    advanced ignition
    ��ǰ���; Ԥ������; ��ǰ����; ������;
    Ignition Module
    ���ӵ����; ��������; �������; ���ģ��;
    Ignition order
    ���˳��; ������; �������; ���˳��, ������;


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