1. I waited in the car while idling the engine. ������������Ŷ��÷�������ת�š�
2. Software can no longer, in good conscience, waste so much idle time while users work. ƾ����˵��������Ҳ�������û�����ʱ�˷���ô�����ʱ���ˡ�
3. So shops are mostly empty in the mornings and idle employees sit around by open doors and windows. ����̵����糿���û�п��ˣ����еĵ�Ա�Ǿ����ڳ������źʹ�������������
1. the state of an engine or other mechanism that is idling
2. run disconnected or idle
3. be idle; exist in a changeless situation adj.
1. not in action or at work
2. without a basis in reason or fact
3. not in active use
4. silly or trivial
5. lacking a sense of restraint or responsibility
6. not yielding a return
7. not having a job
idle ��ת;
Idle formality ��������;
idle fund �����ʽ�;
�����ʽ�, ����;
idle capital �����ʱ�;