1. You are beginning to awaken this identity within yourself. �����Ѿ���ʼ�����Լ�������һ���ݡ�
2. "It helps build an identity for a small boutique, " says Johnson, 29. ��������С��Ʒ�꽨��һ�����ݣ���29���Լ��ѷ˵��
3. In fact, we had no reason to expect complete identity of classical and quantum mechanical forms. ��ʵ������Ҳû������Ҫ����ʽͬ������ѧ����ʽ��ȫһ�¡�
1. the distinct personality of an individual regarded as a persisting entity
2. the individual characteristics by which a thing or person is recognized or known
3. an operator that leaves unchanged the element on which it operates
4. exact sameness