1. It attracts some of the more active and idealistic young people of every generation. ��������ÿһ���������и�Ϊ����������������������ˡ�
2. Most of this film consists of a dialogue between the members of an idealistic group of Marxist rebels who plan to wage war against the Establishment. ӰƬ�ֶ���һ��������֯��Ա��ĶԻ�����������������˼��������������ߣ��ƻ��ŷ���ս���Ʒ�������Ȩ��
3. In any realm of life��whether academic, social, business, or political��the only way to succeed is to take a practical, rather than an idealistic, point of view. ���κ����������С���������ѧ������ᡢ��ҵ�������Ρ�����óɵ�Ψһ��·���Dz�ȡ��ʵ�Ķ��������뻯�Ĺ۵㡣
1. of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of the reality of ideas
2. of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature or style